Living Bible Museum

Living Bible Museum

While this was the sixth annual Living Bible Museum; this year’s museum was the FIRST partially “in person” while simultaneously fully virtual museum we have ever had. In a season of masks, mandates, and restrictions, these kids rose to the occasion; fearlessly showing that the Word of God is not bound! Our fifth grade students championed: choosing their top biblical character, studying their selected person, creating a monologue, backdrops, and even props to bring these people to life! This year, instead of having a “walk through” museum, every Elementary “on campus” class was allowed to have a taste of the work these kids have put in, by listening to a couple of the characters share their stories, in costume, outside. All of the fifth grade students were recorded and their work was placed in a virtual museum setting for classes and families to enjoy. These kids could have easily chosen to put in a half hearted effort, but that’s just not the case for our Mustangs! Because of the online format, families across the country were able to tune in and see the work our kids have done. While we look forward to life, with hope—by God’s grace, returning to some semblance of normal in the future, I applaud these students for their effort and dedication, going above and beyond, so that the Lord could be magnified and His story told!

-Mrs. Sarah Beverly (Elementary Bible Teacher)