Taste of the Nations

Taste of the Nations

Throughout the school year, our elementary Bible students will spin the globe and wherever the spinner’s finger lands, we pray for and learn about that part of the world. Our preschool and kindergarten Bible classes have learned about the diversity and creativity of God in His creation as they have studied His Word, as well. With these things in mind, our preschool through elementary classes were able to have a combined “Taste of the Nations” for the first time ever. We asked our incredible parents to sign up and participate in setting up a table from their home country and bring various snacks, dishes, or desserts for all of our students to try. South Korea, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Jamaica, Ireland, Zambia, Puerto Rico, Germany, the U.S., Nepal, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Argentina, and Antigua were all represented. Students were each given “passports” with their picture and enough visa pages to get a stamp at each country’s table they visited. From Ube in the Philippines to apple cake in Ireland to empanada in Argentina, these kids LOVED trying different food and getting a small “taste” of the culture. Parents and family members graciously dressed in their beautiful traditional garb, representing various tribes, peoples, and nations. It was an honor to watch a picture of heaven unfold as we all came together and “broke bread”. We look forward to next year’s celebration and we pray that the Lord uses these moments to shape our students with compassion necessary to go all over the world; using the various gifts they have been equipped with, to share the Gospel—until the whole world hears. Until the day where we gather at His feet and every knee bows down and confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God forever!