Social-Emotional Learning

Social-Emotional Learning

This year SMCA recognized the need to support students in their social and emotional development. Covid has brought about many challenges, and we have discovered that students missed some fundamental skills when dealing with self and social awareness. We are so excited that our students are not only enjoying our Social-Emotional Learning class, but they are learning excellent life-long skills. Our SEL program is helping students thrive personally and academically. Our goal is to help our students develop positive relationships with their peers, self-awareness, self-control, and intrapersonal skills. We are very thankful for our school counselor Mrs. Simonson and her dedicated work to the students.

-Mrs. Kristen Horton, Elementary Principal

SEL in action:

Pictured above is Mrs. Simonson teaching Mrs. French’s K5 students about how their emotions trigger their thoughts which then lead to their actions and how taking a second before they react can help them stay calm down and make better choices.