There’s a Whole Lot of Giving Going On

There's a Whole Lot of Giving Going On

Our Mustangs of all ages have been working hard to spread good cheer. Check out the different giving opportunities and collections that our students have been participating in this season.

Our National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) worked hard to spread joy to others this season with a toy drive. They made posters and weathered the cold to hold them, gathered bags of toys, and prayed over what came from our abundance. It was heartwarming to see kids helping kids and sharing their heart. Approximately 400 toys were donated to Children’s Aid Society of Charles County.

Mrs. Dewees’ K4 class learned about Christmas Giving. The students were so excited to decorate a Gingerbread Man and give it to their favorite Bible teacher, Mrs. Colein!

Each year, our Kindergarteners participate in a “Hats, Socks, and Mittens” Drive for homeless and less fortunate families here in Charles County. All items donated by our awesome SMCA families & friends are taken to South Potomac Church, and then donated to “The Christmas Tree Shop.” The Christmas Tree Shop was held on 12/4/21 at South Potomac Church, and it was a great success. The Christmas Tree Shop itself is where South Potomac Church opens its doors to homeless and less fortunate families to bless them with gifts, food, blanks, and clothing they need to stay warm during this cold season.

Our students continue to learn the importance that it is better to give than to receive, as well as the fact that it is our Christian duty to treat others better than ourselves. Our Kindergarteners took so much pride in being able to give back to the community, especially during this holiday season.


He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. Proverbs 19:17


– Our Kindergarten Teachers: Mrs. French, Mrs. Kuczewski, Mrs. Schneider, and Mrs. Cunningham

Our 3rd and 4th grade students have been gathering school supplies for Jamaica. They have been very generous and will greatly bless many students there.