2020 Capstone Winner


2020 Capstone Winner

It has been a pleasure to teach the Capstone course this year and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the Seniors grow and mature while researching their chosen topics. The Capstone course allows a senior to explore a controversial or service topic of their choice by researching it through three lenses (one lens must be the biblical lens). I hope they continue to see the value in this experience as they embrace their next endeavors. Capstone is not only a high school requirement, but can also be used as a helpful exemplar of the student’s work for colleges and potential employers.

This year’s presentations were well done and the judges were quite impressed by the depth and breadth of the topics our Seniors chose to research. They also found the presentations to be informative and interesting. There was quite an extended time where they discussed the presentations and agonized over which one would be determined the overall winner. They did not take this decision lightly and were very thorough in their examination. There were several projects in the top and they were able to narrow it down to four. I want to congratulate our 2020 SMCA Capstone winner, Miss Stephanie Reigle! (Stephanie is also the first female Capstone winner at SMCA.)

Congratulations, again, to each of our seniors for accomplishing this milestone of your senior year!


-Mrs. Gilroy