STEM in Elementary

STEM in Elementary

This year we began using STEM curriculum for our Elementary Enrichment Classes. The STEM theme is sustainability. Students have followed a STEM process each quarter where they start by learning about a challenge. They then take what they learned to design a solution. Once their solution is completed and tested students conclude by refining it and addressing changes that could improve their solution. Group work has been emphasized all year, because we have to work as a team to save our planet.

First Quarter

Lower Elementary started the first quarter with learning about animal habitats and how the sun gives off heat and energy. They worked together by collecting supplies outside to construct a habitat for Larry, the lizard.
Upper Elementary learned about global environmental issues, including deforestation and greenhouse gases. They also learned about the sun and it’s powerful solar energy. Their first quarter project was to built a solar cooker from basic supplies that could be found in a third world country. Using cardboard, tin foil, plastic wrap, tape, construction paper and paint, they constructed prototypes of the designs they made for their own unique solar cookers.

Second Quarter

Second quarter all of elementary continued to learn about the sun as a natural resource, along with our other natural resources. They were introduced to solar power and the various ways it is used throughout the world. They also also learned about the 6 simple machines and got hands on experience with materials. Students were able to create simple machines on their own or in small groups. They also naturally combined the simple machines together and created complex machines.
Their second quarter project combined what they learned about simple machines and solar power. Each enrichment group built a solar rover and  tested it outside. They faced real world challenges during testing, such as clouds and shadows. They problem solved during testing to further their understanding of how solar panels worked and their limitations.

Third Quarter

Third quarter has started off with teaching the 3 R’s of sustainability: reduce, reuse and recycle. Students are learning how they can make “green” choices by reducing waste and conserving natural resources in their own ways. They have made trips to the recycling dumpster in the parking lot and broken down their solar cookers and boxes from their solar rovers to properly recycle them.
Water pollution is going to be our focus in the third quarter. Students will learn about it’s effects on the environment and ecosystems. They will learn about and construct water filtration systems. In order to do this, we will again reuse recyclable materials to complete their project built.
Keep an eye out for more on this project and what will be happening in the fourth quarter!
-Ms. West,
Elementary STEM Teacher