A Visit from Mr. Rick Tancreto

A Visit from Mr. Rick Tancreto

Our students got to hear and meet a “Real Author.” When asked who had ever met one before, very few hands went up in the chapel. They were all very excited to meet Mr. Rick Tancreto. He is the author of eleven books and has received two prestigious awards for his work: The Mom’s Choice Award and The Dove Foundation Award. The students sat listening to his every word as he engaged them in what he wanted to share with them. He explained that it takes many people to put together a book in its finished product. More importantly, he emphasized to the students that they all have gifts given to them by God. He talked to them about the best book ever written, the Bible, and how if they receive Christ as their Savior they will have eternal life. He ended his time with us by gifting each one of our Elementary students their own copy of one of his books which he personally signed. His love for Jesus and our students was evident and we can’t thank him enough for the time he spent with us.

-Sarah Hayden