2023 ACSI High School Leadership Conference

Eight of our students along with two teachers attended the ACSI High School Leadership Conference November 19-21 in Arlington, VA. Senior Justin Guinn reported that the conference was fun, relatable, and inspiring. He continued with, “Many of us had ideas to change the school’s environment, but did not know how to go about making that change. The conference gave us an opportunity to think through some of these ideas and how to cultivate them. The worship was amazing, and the teaching was spectacular. All of the speakers had an air of love around them; nothing they said was from a place of superiority or malice. Everything was wrapped in humility and true care for what they were speaking on, living out 1 Corinthians 16:14 and Ephesians 4:15. We also met many people from other schools who were pretty cool. This experience allowed us to stretch out beyond our usual group of friends; we met and connected with new people that we probably wouldn’t have bonded with otherwise. The things that we learned, witnessed, and were encouraged by related to each of us differently; however, we had one conclusion amongst us all: the desire to promote positive change within our school and abroad.”

We look forward to seeing these young leaders bring about that positive change in the days and months to come!

-Jennifer George, Events Coordinator